In line with the organization vision and mission, SSuDEMOP believes that a genuine democratic state is what South Sudanese people need. Therefore, governance processes in the country requires to be tailored to facilitate democratization. Hence the need for establishing mechanisms to facilitate a true participatory governance in the country; citizen participation, good governance, legitimate politics and credible polity that seek to address the needs of the people is a critical element of democracy. Prudent resource management regardless of perceived privilege enjoyed by those who belong to the “appropriate ethnic community” “ideal social class” or “perceived magnitude of historical contribution to the liberation of the country”.
Governance and Democracy programmes at SSuDEMOP are designed to provide civic education, strengthen capacity of different actors, influence policy and legislative reform, analyze various governance and public policy issues, critic and advice governance and public management processes with an aim of safeguarding public interest/common good. In doing so SSuDEMOP use a participatory approach for designing and implementing programmes.
As an organization SSuDEMOP is well aware about the difficulties of democratization and transformation that South Sudanese are undergoing - from a liberation movement to a state. However, knowing that South Sudan have experienced dictatorship, discrimination, oppression and marginalization under the past regimes in the then Republic of Sudan before attaining independence, it is undeniable that the people of South Sudan yearn for equality, justice, liberty and prosperity for all. It is also of interest to see citizens being given an opportunity to get involved in the governance of their country and be part and parcel of major national decisions that affect all South Sudanese and enjoy the values and fruits of democracy.